

HANDS (Halimar, Aprende no Deskobre Susesu), hanesan programa Ministériu Edukasaun ne’ebé dezenvolve hodi hadi’ak edukasaun infánsia iha Timor-Leste. Programa ne’e finansia husi Governu Nova Zelándia, hala’o ona dezde tinan 2015 no sei kontinua to’o tinan 2025.

Objetivu prinsipál husi programa ne’e atu “Labarik sira bele sai sidadaun ne’ebé produtivu no saudavél hodi kontribui ba moris di’ak Timor-Leste no nia povu.”

Iha tinan 2025, hein katak labarik barak sei partisipa ona iha edukasaun infánsia nian, pre-eskolár sira sei iha sistema no prosesu jestaun ne'ebé di'ak liu, no kualidade edukasaun infánsia nian no rezultadu aprendizajen nian sei hadi'ak ona.

How Marching for Science Risks Politicizing It

How Marching for Science Risks Politicizing It

It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game.

After Setbacks and Suits, Miami to Open Science Museum

It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game.

The New Threat to Wolves in and Around Yellowstone

The New Threat to Wolves in and Around Yellowstone

It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game.

Broke a Glass? Someday You Might 3-D-Print a New One

Broke a Glass? Someday You Might 3-D-Print a New One

It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game.

Jimmy Kimmel Sheds Light on Health Coverage

Jimmy Kimmel Sheds Light on Health Coverage

It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game.

As Arctic Ice Vanishes, New Shipping Routes Open

It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game.

Want to Make More Baskets? Science Has the Answer

It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game.

Debate Over Paris Climate Deal Could Turn on a Single Phrase

Debate Over Paris Climate Deal Could Turn on a Single Phrase

It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game.