IX Governo Constitucional

Ministra da Educação
Dulce de Jesus Soares
Name : Dulce de Jesus Soares
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Name : Dulce de Jesus Soares
Date of Birth : 20 October 1967
Mob. Number : +670 77045022
Email : dsoares5@yahoo.com
Educational Background
- Doctor Honoris Causa, Victoria University, December 2020
- Master of Arts major in International Community Development (Asia and Pacific Studies), June 2005 – December 2007, Victoria University, Australia
- Bachelor of Education major in Teaching, July 1986 – December 1991, Udayana University, Bali
Professional Experience
- Education Advisor to the President of RDTL, June 2022 – present
- Education Consultant re: Child-Friendly Pedagogy, UNICEF Angola, March-June, 2022
- Education Consultant re: Videos informing Education during COVID and other Disasters for UNESCO Regional Office, Bangkok, April – May, 2021
- Coordinator of Donor Aid Projects for COVID Relief, 2020 - 2021
- Minister of Education, Youth and Sport in VIII Constitutional Government of RDTL, June 2018 – June 2020, Timor-Leste
- Vice Minister of Education I in VI Constitutional Government of RDTL, February 2014 – October 2017, Timor-Leste
- Vice Minister of Education for Pre-school and Basic Education in V Constitutional Government of RDTL, August 2012 – February 2014, Timor-Leste
- Child Protection Officer, February 2000 – June 2012, Dili, Timor-Leste
- Head of Social and Cultural Sector, Regional Planning Office of Bobonaro Municipality
- Secondary level English teacher, Fuiloro Catholic School, Timor-Leste
Principal Policies and Laws Designed/Implemented
- Law Regulating Pre-Secondary and Secondary Student Discipline and Code of Ethics
- Law Regulating Multilingual Education
- Law Regulating Educator Discipline and Consequences
- School Re-opening Guidelines during COVID-19
- Law Regulating Pre-secondary and Secondary Exams
- National ITC Policy for Ministry of Education
- National Base Preschool Curriculum
- National Base Primary Level Curriculum
- National Criteria for School Licensing
- Law Regulating Temporary Emergency Teacher Recruitment
- National Inclusive Education Policy
- Professional Learning and Mentorship Program for Primary Level
- Practical and Experimental Mathematics and Science Pre-Secondary Curriculum Supplement
- National School Feeding Standards
- Law Prohibiting Violence in Preschool and Primary Level Schools
- National Law on Child Protection
- Creation of National Child Rights Commission
Translation Experience
- Provide translation services (written and simultaneous) for training on Child Protection, Juvenile Justice, Child and Family Welfare Projects at UNICEF Timor-Leste.
- Translation of speeches, presentations to members of Government as well as international conferences and seminars, both academic and sectorial.
Training Experience
- Develop training materials and provide trainings to police officers, youth groups, women groups, national NGOs and CBOs on child protection and child rearing practices, child rights, juvenile justice and birth registration.
Sample of Studies and Research Led
- Study on Recommendations for Re-entry Policy
- Assessment of Teacher Allocation in Timor-Leste
- National Literacy Assessment of Pre-secondary Students
- National Numeracy Assessment of Pre-secondary Students
- Teacher, School Director and Parent Attitudes Towards the Curriculum
- ITC Strategy Study and Policy
- Assessment of Basic Education Exam Results
- Assessment of Teacher Core Competencies
- Assessment using EGRA for an Early Evaluation of Two Innovations in Basic Education in Timor-Leste: The New Curriculum and theh Professional Learning and Mentoring Program, 2016
- Midline and Endline Assessments of Multilingual Education Pilot Minister of Education, Youth and Sport in VIII Constitutional Government of RDTL, June 2018 – June 2020, Timor-Leste
- Assessment of the situation of separated children and orphans in East Timor, a project funded by UNICEF and conducted by IRC, May 2000

Secretario Estado Ensino Secundario Geral no Ensino Tecniko Vocasional
Domingos Lopes Lemos
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Nome : Domingos Lopes Lemos
Local e Data Nascimento : Ermera, 25 de Outubro de 1975
Número Telemóvel : +670 77 272 545
Email : domingos.lopes@timor-leste.gov.tl
Experiência Educacional
- Universidade UNTIM Licenciatura em Educação, 1994-2007
- Ensino Secundário Católico de Ermera, 1991-1994
- Ensino Básico Católico de Ermera, 1988-1991
Experiência Profissional
- Professor de Língua Tétum, na Escola de Ensino Secundário Geral Nino Konis Santana, Gleno, Ermera.
- Diretor da Escola ESG Nino Konis Santana entre 2009 e 2013.
- Diretor da Educação do Município de Ermera entre 2013 a 2016.
- Coordenador do Partido CNRT 2014 até agora.
- Presidente da UNE-TL entre 2015 e 2018.
- Superintedente do Município de Ermera entre 2016 e 2017.
- Membro do Parlamento Nacional da RDTL V Legislatura, na Comissão de Educação e Juventude 2018-2022.
- Membro do IX Governo Constitucional como Secretário Estado do Ensino Secundário Geral e Ensino Secundário Técnico-Vocacional, 2023 até agora.
- Participação na conferência, The TVET Leadership and Managment bancmarking Program and Global Smart Education Conference 2023 (GSE 2023) de 14 a 20 de agosto de 2023, Beijing, República Popular da China.
- Participação no 4th High Level - Policy Forum on Multilingual Education, 5 de outubro de 2023, e 7th International Conference on Language and Education, 4-6 outubro de 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Encontro com os membros da Fundação Kroman Malaka Gerakan Genoveva School Nusantara e Lançamento Primeira Pedra da Escola e dormitório da ESTV Colégio Santa Genoveva Malaka, de 5 a 8 de novembro 2023.
- Missão de Serviço para a República Federativa do Brasil no âmbito da retomada da Cooperação Bilateral para o apoio de formação profissional e contínua do INFORDEPE aos professores do programa produtivo do Ensino Secundário Técnico-Vocacional, de 4 a 17 de janeiro de 2024, Brasília-DF, Brasil.
Ministros Anteriores
VII Governo Constitucional
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VI Governo Constitucional
V Governo Constitucional
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I Governo Constitucional
Vice-Ministros Anteriores
VII Governo Constitucional
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et.
VI Governo Constitucional
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